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front of Briarwood
Welcome to Briarwood Elementary!

Located in Renton, WA, Briarwood Elementary serves approximately 600 students in Kindergarten through 5th Grade, as well as the Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program (ECEAP). Briarwood is also one of three schools in the ISD to host the Science Technology Magnet Program. Read more about Our School.

Students smile at desk
Students smile with lunch hero poster and lunch staff
Students smile in costumes for production

Upcoming Events

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Hybrid - Board Room and Zoom

This is a hybrid town hall meeting, offering in-person or virtual options.

  • In person at the Issaquah School District Administration Center: 5150 220th Ave. SE, Issaquah, WA 98029


Administration Building, 5150 220th Ave SE, Issaquah, WA

The agenda and meeting details will be posted at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.

Please note the agenda and materials may be modified up to 24 hours prior to the meeting; after that time, any agenda modifications will be addressed at the meeting.

Administration Building, 5150 220th Ave SE, Issaquah, WA

The agenda and meeting details will be posted at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.

Please note the agenda and materials may be modified up to 24 hours prior to the meeting; after that time, any agenda modifications will be addressed at the meeting.

Happening Now at Briarwood Elementary

News Panel

Students sit wearing red white and blue crowns

Briarwood Bears celebrated Veteran's Day during a whole school assembly.  5th Graders started it off with the Pledge of Allegiance and speeches honoring our Veteran's.  Our amazing administration created a PowerPoint honoring all those that have served our country.  Then, the Briarwood Chorus sang a song thanking the Veteran's for everything they have sacrificed to keep our country safe.  Finally, the assembly ended with our Veteran's lining the halls so the students can thank them for their service. 

Overall, our Briarwood Bears were so respectful, kind and caring during the assembly.  We are so thankful for our Veterans!  Happy Veteran's Day! 

  • Featured Story
Read More about Briarwood Honors our Hero's at a Veteran's Day Assembly

Social Panel

Announcements Panel

By the Numbers


Students enrolled for the 2020-2021 school year.

At Briarwood we provide a safe, supportive environment, which promotes respectful, responsible behavior and challenges students, staff and parents to reach their potential as learners.


Classroom teachers in the 2021-22 school year.

In the 2021-22 school year, our teachers had an average of 12.2 years of teaching experience.


Of our teachers have a master's degree or higher.

To find the contact information for one of our teachers or staff, visit the directory (use the menu option at the top right to access the directory).


Of our students attend regularly.

This data is from the 2021-22 school year, the most recent year available from OSPI.

front of Briarwood - black and white

School Highlights & Programs

Our students will be prepared for and eager to accept the academic, occupational, personal and practical challenges of life in a dynamic global environment.

Image shows Briarwood Principal Tia Kleinkopf

Meet Principal Tia Kleinkopf

Hi, Briarwood families! I have been in education for 30 years, and have spent 20 of those right here in the ISD. A few fun facts about me: I love the “Harry Potter” series, my favorite kind of music is 80s, and my son got married in July! 

Author Visit 2019

Multi-Tiered Systems of Support

MTSS is shaping the student experience at our school and throughout our district. Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, or MTSS, is a nationally recognized, evidence-based framework guiding our approach to academics, social emotional learning, behavior and attendance.

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Briarwood Bears Chorus

Briarwood Bear Activities

Music and the arts are very important at Briarwood and each grade level performs an evening concert. In addition to the regular music classroom where students learn how to play marimbas, keyboards and recorders, third, fourth and fifth graders have the opportunity to participate in the Briarwood Bear Chorus. Students can also participate in a number of other school sponsored activities. 

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