Please check here for upcoming Briarwood events.
The Zones of Regulation connects the mind and body to help students:
- Recognize their feelings.
- Identify which Zone they are in.
- Choose coping strategies to manage their emotions effectively.
Smarter Balanced Assessment Testing Dates are as follows:
SBA 3rd Grade – May 5-9
SBA 4th Grade, 4th Grade SciTech – April 28-May 2
SBA 5th Grade, 5th Grade SciTech – April 28-May 5
In today's community update video, Superintendent Heather Tow-Yick and School Board President Marnie Maraldo talk about the priority of supporting all students while maintaining high expectations and rigorous learning. Two of the ways district leaders are working toward those goals are via the district's Strategic Plan and the updated bond measure that will appear on the February 11 ballot.
In response to community feedback, the School Board revised the November bond proposal to focus on the district’s most immediate needs. The updated bond measure totals $231.6 million, a 63% reduction. The new proposal, which is not projected to increase the total combined tax rate, will appear on the February 11, 2025, Special Election Ballot.
Today we’re announcing a call for applicants for a new group of Issaquah School District students to participate in the “5,000 Days Project.” The 5,000 Days Project follows a group of Issaquah School District students as they progress toward graduation. The participating students are filmed each year to share their experiences in life and school, and a culminating video is published for the community. Application and details enclosed.
The Special Services Family and Community Partnership Committee will meet on Thursday, January 9 from 4:30-6 p.m. at the ISD Administration Building. This committee is developed to bring together families, staff, and community members from the Issaquah School District Community to work collaboratively to enrich the lives of students with disabilities. Details and link to interest form is enclosed.
The Family Partnerships Team will facilitate a virtual event to inform families new to the U.S. high school system on high school graduation requirements and planning on January 15 from 6:30-8 p.m. Details and link to register are enclosed.