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Smarter Balanced Assessment Dates:


As several families start to make plans for Spring vacations, it is time to inform you of our Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA) dates. SBA is our state standardized assessment that students in Grades 3-5 will take in April and May. Your child’s attendance is incredibly important during this time. Students perform best when they take the assessment at the same time as their peers! We must adhere to testing timelines put out by the state for standardization. Make-Ups are available for students who are sick. Please keep this in mind when scheduling any appointments or vacation. Communicate with your child’s teacher and the Attendance line if your child will be absent. Additionally, Smart Watches and Phones are strictly prohibited during testing. Please adhere to our Technology Policy and support us by reminding your students each morning!   

Testing Dates are as follows:   

  • SBA 3rd Grade – May 5-9 

  • SBA 4th Grade, 4th Grade SciTech – April 28-May 2   

  • SBA 5th Grade, 5th Grade SciTech – April 28-May 5 


  • Testing