When to Keep Your Child Home
Communicable Disease Guidelines
Use this checklist to determine whether to keep your child home from school
Symptom | Yes | No |
Fever: Does your child have a fever over 100 degrees F. orally? Temperature should remain normal (98.6 degrees) for 24 hours without any fever reducing medication before returning to school | ||
Sore throat: Is it accompanied by fever, headache, stomachache or swollen glands? | ||
Vomiting: Has your child vomited two or more times in a 24 hour period? | ||
Diarrhea: Has there been more than one occurrence in a 24 hour period? | ||
Eyes: Are your child’s eyes crusty, bright red and/or discharging yellow or green fluid? | ||
Nasal discharge (yellow or greenish): Is there colorful nasal mucus that is accompanied by a fever or other symptoms of an upper respiratory infection? | ||
Cough: Does your child have a persistent, productive cough? | ||
Appearance/Behavior: Is your child unusually tired, pale, have a lack of appetite, difficult to awaken, or confused? | ||
Rash: Does your child have a body rash not associated with heat, eczema, or an allergic reaction to a medication? |
If you answered yes to any of these questions, please keep your child home from school and consider seeking medical attention.
Head lice - Please contact the school nurse at 425-837-5002 if any indication of head lice.
Remember to keep the school updated with new phone numbers and emergency contacts in case your student becomes ill at school. Any questions please call your school nurse at 425-837-5002.
The most important thing you can do to prevent illness is for you and your child to wash your hands often with warm water and soap.