Parking and Traffic Safety
Student safety, before and after school, is a high priority at Briarwood. When dropping-off or picking-up your student(s), please follow all staff and safety patrol direction, traffic safety signs, and curb markings (see “Bus Loading Zone”).
Children who are dropped off at school, or who walk, should arrive at school no earlier than 9:00 am, there is no supervision before this time because teachers are preparing lessons and planning in their classrooms. All students will enter the building beginning at 9:05 am through the main front doors as well as the back playground door, but should not walk around the building or through the east or west campus gates. Student use voice level zero when entering the building and in the hallways. Hallway computers should not be used before school without staff permission. At 9:10 am teachers will open their classroom doors and students will enter the classroom. At 9:15 am class begins. Before school is not an appropriate time to visit with your student’s classroom teacher as they are preparing for the school day. Scooters, skateboards, roller skates/blades/shoes, and shoes with wheels (Heelys) are not allowed on school property.
At dismissal time, teachers expect students to follow their normal routine home (walk, bus, parent pick-up, etc.). If there is to be any change in the routine your child follows at dismissal time, we require a note or email message to that effect be sent to the teacher and office in advance. If we do not receive alternate instructions, students will be sent home as normal. If an unavoidable situation occurs and you will be late picking up your student, please notify the office and your child’s teacher. Students left unattended will be brought to the office and phone calls will be made to organize pick up by any contact on the student’s account allowed to pick up the student. Briarwood staff members are not permitted to transport students.
Students walking to school should enter campus through the south or west gates no earlier than 9:00am, lining up by the back playground doors or their portable doors. Parents should remain outside of the building as their students enter the building at the designated time, if the parent is volunteering or needs to leave a message for the teacher they should walk to the
main office. When picking up a walking student after school, families should not arrive at Briarwood more than five minutes before dismissal time and should wait outside and wait for their student to be dismissed by the teacher. Students are to leave school grounds immediately after school, unless attending extracurricular activities. Also see “Arrival” and “ Dismissal” above.
Bus Loading Zone
The bus loading/unloading zone at Briarwood is on the south side of our campus just off SE 134th Street. The bus loading zone is for busses only. Please do not drive through, park, or leave cars unattended in this area.
By Vehicle
Please drop-off or pick-up your student(s) by car on campus in the main parking lot only. Pull forward completely along the main curb line to maximize traffic flow and ensure your student is ready to exit the vehicle immediately. Students should only enter or exit through a curbside car door. If the driver needs to park the car for any reason, please pull into an appropriately marked parking space. If parking to meet your child(ren) on campus, please exit your vehicle and escort them to your vehicle using designated crosswalks. The small lower parking lot is not for drop-off or pick-up (including Bear Club and other club activities) and is for district staff use only.